Tuesday 30 June 2020

Best Free SEO Tools and Free SEO Software that you need to get for your Business

Many at times, you must have come across a situation when you have to fetch the best and authentic SEO result. But you lack a decent tool or software. But, nothing to worry. Through this blog, you will learn about the best free SEO tools and free SEO software which also fetches top results just like your paid ones. 

Well, knowing the scenario of digital marketing agencies. I know that many insist on first choosing the free version or the trial pack before proceeding for the paid plans. So, here I present the best SEO tools and software that you only think to use. But due to doubt of non-efficiency-you backout. 

Confoundingsolutions is a best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow that offer affordable SEO, SMO, Social Media and Website Design services in Lucknow for your businesses.

Best SEO Tools 2020 (*Free) 

1. Answer The Public 

Being the topmost best free SEO tools, Answer the Public can find 150+ keyword ideas in second. This platform allows you to get questions and most related keywords that people ask through forums, blogs, and social media according to your niche. 

Avail the Best Services of Answer the Public 

2. Bing Webmaster Tool 

This is also one of the best solutions that are capable of topping the SEO tools list. As we have also got Google Search Console. This tool is the same but from Bing. so, if you want to get your site indexed (and ranked) on Bing. Bing webmaster is the must-to-have-tool. Yet another feature that can be counted is that Bing is strictly organic for organic search. 

Avail the Best Services of Bing Webmaster Tool

3. Ahrefs: SEO Tool 

Ahrefs is one of yet another awesome search engine optimization tool that is available online. SEO experts all around the world always discuss and admire the Ahrefs Site Audit feature as it’s the best SEO analysis tool around. Additionally, it also helps with competitor analysis to competitor’s backlinks as their starting points. Users can also use this tool to find the most liked content topic within their niche and domain. 

Avail the Best Services of Ahrefs: SEO Tool  

4. Keyword Planner 

Powered by Google. A keyword planner was built who would buy Google Ads. But now, it delivers tons of information useful for SEO keywords planning. It is also said that this Google SEO tool owns data and has useful functions like country filters. But, it is a bit complex while using and for better results one always hires an SEO expert. Are you searching for the best SEO agency that will help to make it happen for you? 

Avail the Best Services of Keyword Planner

5. Google Search Console  

This tool is a very rich piece of tool and software. And unlike pretty much every tool on the market, you know the data is legit. Counting upon its basic features-Index Coverage Report. This allows users with an index coverage report that gives you a list of pages on your site that aren’t getting indexed. Additionally, you can also see how you can get things back on track. 

Avail the Best Services of Google Search Console 

Free SEO Software 

1. SEO Power Suite 

This is an all-in-one solution and software for best SEO results. This is also counted among the exclusive and efficient free SEO software along with its free version. 

SEO power suite aims to handle all the SEO tasks in a single desktop-based package at an affordable price. Providing everything from an SEO crawler to a mobile-friendly test tool, SEO PowerSuite is a one-stop-shop. 

Avail the Best Services of SEO PowerSuite 

2. Moz Pro 

Moz is another one of the best SEO tools that I thought to mention here. Or else, it wouldn’t be complete. From a keyword research tool to a site crawler- it covers everything. It also claims to be one of the best backlinks databases on the market right now. Being a backlink checker, one of the most sought-after features for SEO. 

Avail the Best Services of Moz Pro

3. Raven Tool 

This is yet another free SEO software that is a cloud-based SEO solution that combines a bunch of different databases for different features like Moz and Majestic. Additionally, it also features integrated email automation and call tracking. 

On the other hand, there are restrictions on the number of projects, keywords tracked, and pages available for auditing. 

Avail the Best Services of Raven Tool

4. Netpeak Software 

This software is best for website audit, competitive analysis, and desktop based. Through this solution, users can get the hang of an SEO crawler you can use as a website auditor and backlink checker. It’s convenient because you can pay half of the price and use either one of the apps exclusively. This solution is based upon a trial version that needs to be continued with a paid version.   

Avail the Best Services of Netpeak Software

5. Rank Ranger 

This is also another supreme choice of free SEO software. Rank Ranger helps with rank tracking, keyword research, backlink audit, website audit, social media integration, and others. 

Although, site-auditor features can only crawl up to 500 URL daily, and its website audit is still in beta. Its main focus is on integration. This is also on a trial basis first. After that the user needs to update via a paid plan. 

Avail the Best Services of Rank Ranger

Summing Up 

All-in-all here you have learned the top 10 best SEO tools and software that stand free or can be run on a trial basis of seven days. Starting from resulting out top keywords of the prescribed domains and web-blogs, you can also use these digital solutions for your blog writing as well. These are mainly all-purpose tools that later convince the user to buy the paid version. And get the seamless services and endless features of these tools which stand vital to your online presence over search engines. 

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the best approachable way to rank your online version of business among the masses. Being organic, it helps you better understand how you can improve your website’s optimization and gain traffic. 

So, try them out and let me know your response below! 

Saturday 27 June 2020

How to Convince A Client for SEO Services of your Business?

Hundreds of times we or any other businesses have pitched about SEO and its services. Like many have also written blogs related to ways and tips to improve and encourage SEO in one’s business. But, I guess nobody has ever told you to-How to convince a client for SEO? But, through this blog, I will surely clearly out doubt the honey laden words that more of the markets use to turn enumerable clients towards their business. 

Well, let me tell you that-This is not rocket science. It is just an advanced way to tell your potential clients how SEO helps businesses like them to earn and gain traffic. 

Not only that, the question will show potential clients that you mean business, are willing to go the extra mile, and are more thorough than other agencies who may also have pitched. 

So, hold back to your seats and woop! Here goes our blog on – How to convince a client for SEO services? 

1. Don’t Fear to Collect your Client’s Information

Oh Yes, do not fear to face your clients and ask all the related information that will put you on the frontline when your client chooses your business. Many do fear to face the clients. But, the problem is if you don’t ask enough questions at the beginning. Chances may arise that due to lack of information by clients, you cannot be able to hit the pain-point. 

 So, don’t fear to face your clients and ask questions in a face-to-face chat or conversation over phone or skype chat. Additionally, you can also use emails so they can offer feedback at their convenience. To get this done easily and without bothering much to your clients. You can gather information through Typeform, SurveyMonkey, or Google Forms. 

2. Have the Guts to Asks for the Accounts

Yes, you need to be brave enough to do so. But, you cannot ignore this step to ignite SEO energy for your business. So, take a deep breath and ask for accounts or log in details of their websites, Google Console, Analytics, Adwords. You need to ask access to the accounts on which the client’s business works. 

But, this is not as easy as you might think. Many of the clients will feel hesitant to share with their login details of a sudden. 

But, you need to care-on with the process unless you do not succeed. Please, take care that you do not annoy them. 

3. Ask for their KPIs and Goals

However, you already have assumed and understood their business goals and KPIs. But, there is no harm in listening to the horse’s mouth. This information will give you some tit-bits and off-course full-information that you can’t experience being an outsider. But as part of a business, your clients can know some native points that maybe you have missed. 

So, it is better to talk and begin with the process smoothly. 

4. Now, proceed to ask their current ROI and Goal ROI 

The prime reason people invest in a business is to make money. Return on investment is a measurement of efficiency in converting your business into ranking profits. Therefore, it is vital to projecting whether a business venture is worthwhile and what adjustments to make a company active. 

But, you must get the answer. Most of them will not answer you at any cost. But, if they do. It will be of great help to you because it will tell you how they are doing to set up their current earning and how they can improve. 

Try to find out about their average customer acquisition cost. 

5. Ask about their Ideal Customer

 While learning on- How to convince a client for SEO? It is also important to know the client’s pain points. And thus their pain point directly resides upon how to attract a maximum audience for business? During your session with your clients, try to acknowledge the type of audience they are trying to pitch. 

Get to know about your client’s demographic and psychographic strategy that the company is following. Once you know about this crucial information, then it will be simple to pitch into the right target market who wants to know more about your client’s business. 

Note: It may happen that by acknowledging the business, you choose to assume first about the related target market of the client’s business. But, it is well-advised to communicate the same with your client’s party before proceeding with your SEO strategies and ways. 

6. Which Countries are for Geo-Targeting? 

Yes, why not. It is not true that your client’s business products are natively used. And are never asked by people outside of your expected terrain… If your client is planning to achieve pan-geolocation or a larger geographical space. You need to sit and discuss what all the places stand correct for the business to get the values response. 

For instance, if your client is planning to focus to gain traffic from the United States. Keep note of Google Search Console. 

7. What are the Other Marketing Tools that You Use? 

Do not be fuzzy in asking questions because it will only help you to design your SEO techniques better. So, go ahead and ask regarding the type of other marketing vehicles that the business is already using. Also ask what type of results they are getting in using those marketing types. 

Getting such type of information is a bit tedious but is never impossible. Because you are there to help businesses grow. In some cases, you may unveil that they are spending on other marketing types like email marketing or PPC advertising which also needs to get pitched. 

8. Who Do You Consider Your Main Competitor? 

Now, as you have mostly covered your client’s business understanding the ins and out. It is time to know who your clients target and keep a vigilant eye upon. Competitors are a great source of growth. So, keep them with a positive mind and will work better than them. 

So, gather all the information that will help to plan your SEO success. So, add the benchmark and also educate the clients on who are considering their competitors. 

If you need seo services in india .confoundingsolutions- SEO Company in India offer best SEO services that improve your website rankings & sales.

We offer expert SEO services in India and counted among top SEO companies in India. Call us at 0522-4318935 for best seo experts in India.

Why is SEO so Important? 

Before answering this, let me brush up the basics- What is SEO and How it works? 

So, allow me to start all over again. Search Engine Optimization, abbreviated as SEO, is the process of upgrading quality and quantity of traffic to one’s website. In the niche of Digital Marketing the most uttered question is ‘how to rank a website in Google?’ And SEO is the answer to it. Read more. 

SEO Benefits: 

It expands visibility on Search Engines;
Makes you reach and engage with the customers;
Increases conversion rate on the website and thereby augment business profits;
Prefers basic results than paid ads;
Creates SEO effective content;
Invites targeted organic traffic; and
Above all, SEO is cost-effective
So, now you know SEO and its magic. 

Friday 26 June 2020


As most businesses and companies find their way online, you may have this question in your mind that ‘should I start a digital marketing agency?’. The answer to this question is a yes, because why not grab all those opportunities which can make your business grow faster. From the past few decades, a significant growth in digital marketing has been recorded. The reason is through digital marketing, your  business can be identified on local, national or global level and this way you can extend the reach of your services. When you think of doing business online, this is where the role of a digital marketing agency comes into play. 

In this article, we will shed light on all the aspects of digital marketing.The concept of digital marketing is very wide.  We will explain to you about  the formation of a digital marketing agency, how to grow a digital marketing agency and many other factors related to it. For starters, let's start with a detailed introduction of a digital marketing agency.


The world of marketing has witnessed a major revolution and now we have come a long way from the era of traditional marketing. We have entered into the world of digitalization and marketing have never been the same since then. Digital marketing is the most quick and effective way to make your services available to all the sections of the audience , no matter what geographical location they are in.

A digital marketing agency is a source which helps brands to establish their services online .It is basically an engine which focuses on brand development and lead generation.

So, if you wish to make your services available online, a digital marketing agency can be of much use as it helps you in maintaining balance between your marketing  activities, helps in driving traffic towards your website and determines you about the best online platform to invest in. In total, digital marketing agencies mainly enhance your marketing strategies and provide you better results.


After learning about what digital marketing is, the next question arises: ‘ how to start a digital marketing agency’?. In this section we will provide you a guide to start a digital marketing agency step by step. As the scope of digital marketing is enlarging day by day, marketers are investing most of their money in digital advertising. So, here are the five steps to start your digital marketing agency :


It is important to remember that just being creative or determined can not make you a successful digital marketing agency. Without the proper skills of management and handling client relationships , you can even fail miserably. It takes years to attain those skills as it demands for experience which you can gain by working for some other firm or agency.
Before starting on your own, you must have an experience of a workplace environment because it is a lot more complex than your expectations. You must be aware of how an organization is structured, its culture, leadership and how all these factors play an important role in day to day tasks. You must be able to handle your clients.

The important skills:

Social Media Management
Online marketing & advertising 
Designing Online Ads
Advertising budget allocations
Landing landing pages
Implementing tracking


Before going for a full time job, it's rather better that you do  some contracting work first. The main reason why we suggest this, is it helps you to strike out on your own without accepting bigger risks. If you do side work, you get an estimate of how it feels like having an entrepreneurial life. Also, you get an introduction to all those elements which are helpful in running your business. Working as a contractor has one more advantage that it also brings you referrals. This way the time which is spent on onboarding a new client is reduced by the help of the relations you built as a contractor. Mutual connections and former coworkers can also make you get work and projects which are not bad.


There are several ways to create a digital marketing agency. The management of your business is basically governed by two major factors which are the services you provide and what you charge for your work. There are many ways by which you can set the pricing of your work. The most common billing models are ;

Flat Retainer
Commission based 
Percentage based 


When you start a digital marketing agency, there are chances that you may get fascinated with any sort of business. There are  hundreds of digital marketing agencies available in the market. Some of them specialised , some are not. When approaching new prospects, it is important that you take a stand and make a unique selling proposition. If you direct your services focused to a clearly defined niche ,there are so many advantages like it provide you a competitive advantage, it makes onboarding a client simpler and strengthens your skills.


When creating a successful agency, it is profitable if you manage the accounts yourself for a certain period of time. It helps you to refine skills and makes it easier to find talented help. Also, it is not easy to convince a person to come and work for you. If you run your business on your own for some certain period of time, it provides you great experience and knowledge in building valuable and trustworthy relationships that can profit your business in future.


There may be many ups and downs in managing your business on your own but there are also many benefits. There is a huge and continuous demand of digital marketing agencies in the market. And there is no doubt that a good marketing agency can not be replaced. So, if you have decided to go on the track, do follow the steps we told you about.

Thursday 25 June 2020


"No website can stand without a strong backbone. And that backbone is technical SEO.”

Search Engine Optimization, abbreviated as SEO, is the process of upgrading quality and quantity of traffic to one’s website. In the niche of Digital Marketing the most uttered question is ‘how to rank a website in Google?’ and SEO is the answer to it.

The 21st century is an era of Google. There is a surge in internet savvy. From a restaurant near you to SEO services nearby, Google is the first get- to- go platform. Hence it becomes mandatory to rank on the first page of Google.

SEO is the one-stop solution to rank a page, to rank a website top on Google. It is a holistic practice that targets various searches to improve them, such as image search, video search, academic search, industry-specific vertical search engines, and news search.

To rank website first on Google, SEO follows these simple steps: crawl, index, and rank. In the first step SEO searches the Internet for content or code for each URL; in the second step SEO stores and organizes the content found in step 1, and lastly, SEO renders the best and most relevant content to a user.

Some eminent search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo have their own primary results to rank their content.

Furthermore, SEO working is impacted by various factors. These include Content Marketing; on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and black hat v/s white hat SEO.

SEO comes with numerous benefits:
best seo services in lucknow
It expands visibility on Search Engines;
Makes you reach and engage with the customers;
Increases conversion rate on the website and thereby augment business profits;
Prefers basic results than paid ads;
Creates SEO effective content;
Invites targeted organic traffic; and
Above all, SEO is really cost-effective
These perks are proof in itself about the importance of SEO for digital marketers. In 2020 your business cannot survive without SEO and so comes the need to pursue an SEO course.

In this regard Confounding Solutions ranks as the top Digital Marketing company in Lucknow. Established in 2018, Confounding Solutions renovates your digital marketing career. It is the best digital marketing service provider be it SEO, SMO, PPC, Content Marketing, and Email Marketing.

Talking about SEO, Confounding Solutions is the best SEO company in Lucknow. It brings you a comprehensive set of all SEO services at your door. From building an SEO friendly site, content and related markup, on-site topics to link-related topics and optimization. Confounding Solutions cover all aspects of SEO.

No doubt there are plenty of SEO services in Lucknow but Confounding Solutions stand best amongst them and the credit goes to its prodigious team. The team comprises of professionals who work dexterously to extend knowledge about SEO to emerging Digital Marketers.

Confounding Solution has one sole aim- to provide the best service to its users. We take internal, local as well as national projects.

Clients often contact us to know how to make business in Lucknow. As the ultimate SEO agency, we ease out all their steps from website designing to keyword analysis and gaining more traffic.

Confounding Solution keep up with the constantly changing Google algorithm as it is the driving force behind a successful SEO strategy. We render a long term SEO strategy to add life to your online business.

We like to go an extra mile for our users and so in Confounding Solutions you will find that we welcome your website from a penalty which is provided by search engine giant- Google if anything goes wrong.

In addition to the above list of services, Confounding Solutions focuses on other crucial aspects of SEO as well. These are:

Keyword analysis and strategy
Website architecture optimization
Code optimization
Content strategy and optimization
Infographic creation
Blog submission and sharing
Total words count and more
Our SEO course in Lucknow comes with the following advantages:
Inclusion of trending patterns of SEO;
Boost up SEO efforts;
SEO consultation whereby we support new companies to establish themselves and join the race of SEO competitors;
Uplifts your reputation in the SEO market;
Saves you from expensive PPC advertising;
Strengthens trust and credibility of your brand; and
Targets relevant client
What makes Confounding Solutions different from other SEO service providers is our eccentric approach. SEO management, perfect optimization, link building and a search- engine friendly website layout are some of the notions that digital marketers neglect today. We chalk out similar mistakes, design a master plan and then execute it in full earnest.

When it comes to business we suggest you don’t take any risk. So feel free to contact us anytime and up your SEO game!

Tuesday 23 June 2020


Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.”  –Milan Kundera


Marketing has many facets in this internet savvy, tech-oriented world. It has crossed the basic sources of newspaper, media, and radio by taking a toll on online platforms. Yes, you guessed it right, I am talking about digital marketing... marketing that is executed by digital modes, for digital users by digital experts.

Digital marketing encompasses various online modes to promote a brand. These modes include PPC, email, social media, content, SEO, etc. Whether new or old, every business entrepreneur comes to a point where he questions, how to manage digital marketing functions of my brand?

If you fall into the same category then welcome on board because here is a one-stop solution that is said to be the best digital marketing agency near me which is Google Certified. Yes, you read it right. It houses most experienced professionals from the industry who have already gained many laurels through their excellent work.

A good digital marketing agency shoulders the responsibility of managing all spheres such as SEO, Google AdWords, social media advertising, mobile marketing, content marketing, email marketing, web designing, etc.

With tons of digital marketing agencies on every nook and corner, it becomes quite daunting to choose the best one. Hence people simply google ‘Digital marketing agency near me’ but what is near is not necessarily best.  So let me just plunge on to the best digital marketing agency and that is Confounding Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Confounding Solutions was officially established in 2018 in Lucknow with an aim to boost the online marketing of the customer’s brand, increase its revenue, and improve its ranking. It is a holistic company that features various digital marketing functions starting from SEO, SMO, PPC, Email Marketing, content marketing, website development, CRM Software development, etc.

A good digital marketing agency encompasses a good support system. Confounding Solutions has a team of efficient, highly skilled, and talented professionals. They come from different fields such as content marketing, website development, SEO, etc.

Confounding Solutions bears enough credibility for having a pocket- friendly tool, carrying out digital analysis, rendering simple solutions for businesses, and possessing digital houses for sales, leads, and traffic.

Your search for ‘Digital marketing agency near me’ may not provide all the above facilities but with Confounding Solutions, you can easily avail them.

Moreover, Confounding Solutions Pvt. Ltd. follows a simple 4 step procedure in the execution of digital marketing services. These steps are listed as:

Planning- research-optimize- result

Since digital marketing is the expertise of Confounding Solutions let me walk you through the facilities it provides in this niche:

SEO- Search Engine Optimization lets you improve your brand’s ranking on various search pages such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. With the right keywords, Confounding Solutions improves the ranking of its customer’s company.

Social media marketing- Social media channels are used not only for entertainment or communication purposes but also for promotion, education, marketing, etc. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and various other social media platforms are a great source to invite traffic. Confounding Solutions manages all these accounts of its customers and makes them enjoy more traffic.

Content- Content marketing requires perfect words, analysis, and a smart strategy so as to where, when, and how to publish the content. Do not fret because Confounding Solution is here to ease out all these tasks.

Along with the above service Confounding Solutions also manages PPC, Google Ads, and SMO. So yes, this is the best digital marketing agency near me that I would like to suggest for getting embraced with leading online marketing strategies and tricks to get your business win today.  Connect to it soon to grab the benefits.


The Significance of Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing is a gold mine of profit in the 21st century! Any business, company, school, hotel, etc cannot do well without online mark...