Monday 13 July 2020


“Sometimes big problems are best solved with lots of small and creative solutions.” - Ricardo Salinas Piego

Be it personal or professional condemnation and acclamation are parts of every sphere of life. Digital marketing is no different. Criticism of digital marketing is many and hence there is an immediate need for solutions.

confoundingsolutions is a Digital agency providing Digital Strategy, Web design, eCommerce development, Graphic designing, SEO & Social Media Management.

Internet marketing is certainly not a kid’s stuff. A small budget, struggling on social media is just to name some of the current issues in digital marketing. In this article I endeavor to list 4 common digital marketing challenges 2020 along with their easy solutions:


Emerging businesses obviously do not have a huge amount of finance. Managing all tasks in a small budget becomes complicated. Check out the solution below for this statement of problem in Digital Marketing:

1. Split your audience:

It is the task of every digital marketer to gain more out of less. With a small budget you can still grab more ROI and the secret for that is to segment your audience. Split them into different categories and advertise accordingly. Well, these segments differ from business to business but the major criterions are demographics, lifestyle, and behaviour.

2. Local investment:

Marketing strategy issues are not only a problem of beginners but also of established brands. Investing locally is a smart marketing strategy. Thus you should:

Improve your Google My Business page by adding advanced attributes and other features like Q&A, posts, chats etc;

Claim your business on business directories along with local city- specific websites;

Post more about your local community and add location tagging in your social media posts.

All of the above measures will elevate your rank on mobile search and enhance your local digital marketing metrics.

3. Target specific- social:

You cannot be present on every social platform hence choose your social landscape intelligently. Select the ones where you have an upper hand and give your best.

4. Paid advertising on social media:

Social media is a hand tool for online marketing. To gain the best out of this platform try investing a small share of your money in paid investment. Use strategic native advertising to generate more leads.

5. Influencers:

Connection with famous personalities can be your trump card. No money, no salary just a good link with the right influencer for your business can up the success ratio.


Another common problem of marketing online is clicks without any conversion. You spend money on some clicks but in return, there is hardly any conversion, hardly any sale?

The issue can be overcome through the following solutions:

1. Audience:

The prime reason behind more clicks and no conversion is often the audience itself. Marketers might be targeting the wrong audience, the audience which only likes to visit your website but has no intention to buy.

Secondly, marketers might be using the wrong channel for marketing. For instance people who mostly stay at home should be approached with Notify and Pinterest rather than LinkedIn.

2. Landing pages:

Ineffective landing pages also cause low sales. An unattractive, irrelevant landing page can avert highly interested audiences.

Keep your landing page simple, captivating, extremely helpful or should I say informative and decent.

3. Messaging:

Messaging is not an issue, it is the solution to increase conversion rate. Match your landing page to offers, messaging and style of the original content. Thus, the landing page and content must run parallel.

As a marketer, you are bound to cater to the needs of customers. There is no other option because the customer is your king!


Amongst other challenges of online marketing the SEO competition is taking a toll. There are hundreds and thousands of competitors in your industry who want to be on Google’s front page. To beat such competitors try these hacks:

1. Smart SEO:

To commence with, your SEO strategy has to be different. Compete for long phrases rather than short ones. Short- tail keywords do increase clicks but they don’t make sales. Long- tail keywords, on the other hand, offer more sales and less competition for first- page spots.

2. Smart Ranking:

Just like SEO you need to rank differently. Try some other spot. For instance aim for the first spot on Google- owned YouTube rather than Google. Here’s a fact check: YouTube has 1 billion visitors and 6 billion hours of content watched per month. Thus, video marketing for your business promotion is a better option.

3. Customer Experience:

Good customer experience is the breath and soul of successful digital marketing. Content, style, sales, etc combine to provide smooth user experience. Good customer experience makes Google algorithms note your efforts and eventually offer you a high rank.


Unrewarding social media marketing is yet another problem of marketing. Digital marketers use social media but with a wrong approach. Here is the correct social media marketing methodology:

1. Frequency:

Recall the last time you posted something on social media regarding your business. Well, the frequency of posts can make a lot of difference. Once in a month is not an option, post daily especially on Facebook and LinkedIn. Twitter and Snapchat should have a higher frequency of postings.

2. Offer:

Positive reinforcement is healthy for online marketing. So try to incorporate something interesting in your posts, it may be a cool GIF or recent statistics.

3. Be social:

Be personally social, that is, expand your social circle. Connect with more people in real life for the sake of your business. Tweet, re- tweet, respond to customer reviews, participate in LinkedIn discussions, reply to comments on Facebook and just connect more with shoppers on social media.

4. Happy Customers:

In addition to making your customers happy try to connect with joyful, happy customers. Confused?

We are a full service digital agency in lucknow,India providing creative and customised online solutions including website, SEO, SEM and Social Media.

Look, you can make a good use of social media by building word of mouth digitally. Recruit satisfied customers, capitalize on refreshed social media and motivate them to give positive reviews.

Finally! Call it crafty, call it clever but these are the most intelligent solutions for today’s digital marketing problems. If you are new in the profession of internet marketing then make use of the above points.

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