Thursday 23 July 2020


‘Cliche is the last stage of a digital marketing career.’

Following cliché takes away your business’ luster while being original makes you… I’ll say cool!

There are abundant digital marketing examples that rest on cliché but then their success ratio is also low. You see it yourself, as new concepts like permission marketing, modern marketing methodologies, and content strategy have come into vogue the actual digital marketing definition has got lost. Internet marketers are now blindly following these concepts aka stereotypes.

Hence, through this article, I intend to make you aware of the 8 digital marketing cliché that can harm your business. So let’s get started:

Our digital marketing services help your prospects discover and engage with your brand in a way that builds your business.


Best is just a hype. Even the top companies are not free of condemnation. According to digital marketing wiki, new websites use phrases like ‘we are the best’ or ‘top leading industry’. But guess what these phrases create a repulsive effect on the audience.

‘Action speaks louder than words’ and so does your performance. Rather than bragging about your brand, give quality experience to your customers and see how the brand automatically gets promoted. If available, incorporate reviews, awards, etc to show your worth.


Those copied images of cheerful, smiling workers dressed up just perfectly literary irritates viewers. I mean who remains so happy in his office?
Being in a digital marketing company means meeting deadlines; pressure to gain traffic, convert sales; tons of plans, emails; and above all managing digital marketing salary. In that scenario isn’t it morally wrong to put up fake smiling pictures on your website?

The viewers get it in a second how staged your website is. They eventually feel repulsive and the traffic level stoops down. So be authentic, put some real images even if it’s without laughing faces and shiny teeth.


Ask what is a digital marketing strategy and the answer is all about more content creation. It’s an illusion dude. Content is not the king, quality is!
It’s easy to create content frequently and come up with new posts every day. But without quality, without power, your content will not attract anyone. Watch out for this cliché and plan your content strategically.


Internet marketers often live in this illusion that social media and online platforms are one and the same.

Digital marketing examples suggest that social media and online platforms have different agendas as well as different audiences. People open websites for a different reason while social media for other purposes.
Hence, pen down your content according to the platform.


Really? Do you seriously believe that all companies are created equal? It’s not even a cliché, it’s a lack of understanding.

Similar to the platforms, companies are also not the same. Some of them may lend universal service and products but they differ in terms of versions, segments, planning, execution, and thought procedure.
Just as a buyer each industry has different needs. Tip: create buyer personas for your business development.


Sixth in the line of digital marketing cliché is the attitude that ‘I don’t need to be online’.

You know that approximately 4 billion people are online. In this scenario, neglecting online presence for the sake of your business is a blunder. This is an era of mobile apps and websites. Still, a few online marketers are not paying attention to this aspect.

Being online is mandatory as it builds awareness about your brand; elevates your business; and is beneficial for promotion. You need not connect to an influencer or start posting a multitude of posts daily. Just use online platforms, create your own content on them and publish it.


As per experts, internet marketers have this mindset that building a website and opening up social channels is enough.

A real digital marketing strategy lies in starting a website, creating content followed by a systematic plan.

Promote your website and content both with a strategic plan.


‘My brand supports lots of causes’- that is a highly prevalent notion among today’s internet marketers. People tag brands and products with a social cause. As a result, companies have this pressure to be socially responsible via their products and services.

Marketing is undoubtedly a part of CSR but it’s high time that online marketers stick to just one particular cause. It’s time you focus on your brand value.

Our Digital marketing company in Lucknow ,India offers the best digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, SMO and more.

With each brand following the same rules and guidelines, it becomes difficult to rise high. Start thinking out of the box, get unconventional, shed off these cliché and be novel.

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