Sunday 16 August 2020

The Significance of Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing is a gold mine of profit in the 21st century! Any business, company, school, hotel, etc cannot do well without online marketing these days. Hence, the need for a digital marketing agency is also on the rise. It becomes imperative here to understand the terms ‘online marketing’ and so let’s get going then.

Online Marketing

This is, often called digital marketing, is the promotion/ marketing of a company via digital tools with the internet as the central pillar of all.

Online marketing is highly organized, targeted, and offers measurable results in real-time. A digital marketing agency is a wide term that encompasses various kinds and sub-parts such as SEO (Search engine optimization); PPC (pay per click), social media advertising, mobile marketing, influencer marketing, content writing, website development so on and so forth.

Digital Marketing Agency

Many brand owners prefer approaching an online marketing agency rather than taking all the responsibilities on themselves. This has made a digital agency much more eminent than ever before.

An online agency effectively carries out all the digital marketing tasks for the company it is working with. Unlike a traditional marketing agency, a digital agency focuses on the result- based marketing via good ROI. It incorporates a team of professional strategists, developers, digital marketing consultants, creatives, content creators, and analysts.

The role of an online agency pertains to the overall experience of users on every digital platform, web development, web designs, SEO, social media, and any other specific marketing area which the company wants.

Importance of Online Marketing Agency

We know the uses of a digital marketing agency, now it’s time to understand the significance of a digital marketing agency. So here are its perks:

Business improvement

Since a good digital marketing agency handles all the marketing tasks, it, therefore, helps in establishing and improving businesses. A marketing agency not only evaluates the brand’s needs but also develops powerful strategies to maximize profit. Next, an online marketing agency helps in defining and setting up measurable goals. Digital marketing agencies are adept at analyzing the needs of your target buyer, thereby making it easier to understand the buying journey. Knowledge about your target buyer shall help to determine the benefits/ features of your product that you should list.

Online brand development

Digital marketing agencies have expertise in the online presence of a brand. It, therefore, helps in online brand development. The digital agency successfully develops your online hub through various channels such as an effective, buyer-focused website; quality content to establish brand authority; modern content strategies to achieve best organic search ranking; well planned social media promotion. As a result of all these techniques, an online agency shall establish a good brand reputation of yours as well as increase sales and revenue.

Boosts ROI

Moreover, a good marketing agency knows well how to augment a company’s ROI (return on investment), which, in turn, shall bring higher profits. Good digital marketing will continue testing and reworking to increase a company’s ROI. In order to maintain a balance between a company’s marketing activities and the results it provides, a digital agency evaluates your website traffic and accordingly determines the best online platforms to invest in.


Surprised, huh? It is real though. Hiring a digital agency turns out to be cost-effective. Think logically, herein you get a complete marketing team, rather than approaching individual contractors. As a result, a company can eliminate payroll taxes. Also, a company can save the recurring costs that arise from having full- time employees such as individual salaries, health care costs, and monetary benefits.

I guess the above reasons prove it quite well that this is extremely significant for business promotion and business development.

Tuesday 11 August 2020


 Best Digital Marketing Agency In Lucknow which promises you to grow your business through SEO, Social media services, PPC .

Google shopping is 2020’s most popular hangout destination!

Ladies and gentleman, oldies and kiddos are all about comfort and minimal work. Now where else apart from Google can they find it?

Since Google is the answer to everything these days, it is obviously a solution for shopping too. Being an e- commerce retailer you must be aware of how powerful Google shopping ads are.

Google shopping ads is one speedy platform to get high conversion directly from Google SERPs, that is, Google Search Engine Results Page. Digital marketers need to be intelligent while playing with Google shopping ads. Here is an illustration of few hacks to create your own Google shopping ad campaign:


Talking about the ‘what’ part, Google Shopping Ads are products listing ads. They are featured across Google’s search as well as across shopping results. Google shopping ads incorporate detailed information of one’s product.

Furthermore, Google shopping ads are placed parallel to text ads. This helps the viewers to get a complete range of products even before they search for it. The top 4 places where you might see your Google ads are:

The Shopping tab on Google Search;

Google Search, next to search results or above them;

The Google Display Network;

Google Search Partner websites (if your campaign is set to include search partners).

Google Shopping ads come with immense benefits. Some of its perks are:

Enhances engagement of prices, reviews and any special promotion;

Promotes the product visually;

Assists in gathering upper funnel awareness and also converts lower- funnel viewers;

Without the help of keywords online marketers get to feature their product on top of Google’s SERP.

Next on list is the working of Google shopping ads campaign. The process may seem a bit intricate but the logic is simple. You have to get familiar with 2 notions: Google Merchant Center and Product Data Feed; mingle them and just wait for the revenue.

Here is how it works:

Google merchant center is amongst the various ways to grow business digitally. Herein marketers can easily upload the details of their products through products data feed. This, in turn, is used in Google’s product advertising channel.

Product data field, on the other hand, is a file with various mandatory as well as optional fields. It is uploaded in text (.txt) or XML (.xml) form. These fields include:

Product ID; title; image link; description; price; GTIN; availability and MPN.

The one and only task of marketers trying to create shopping ads.

Campaigns is to blend Google Ads and Google merchant center together. Once you have set up your Google Merchant Center account and uploaded your feeds you can approve a link request between Google Ads and Merchant Center account. This will eventually transfer your data to Google Ads for the sake of advertising campaigns.

The steps to link up Google Ads and Google Merchant center are:

Click on ‘Account linking’, a three- dot icon, in your merchant center’s account;

Select ‘Google Ads’;

Search for the Google Ads customer I.D under ‘your Google Ads account’.

Lastly, just click on ‘link’ and your work is done!


Amongst thousands ways to promote local business online an easy one is to optimize your product feed. Scroll down to know some useful tips to maintain a high quality product feed:

Name– Quirky name is the keystone to attract customers. Google uses the name of your product to boost your shopping ad. Hence, list down the necessary keywords and craft a compelling name for your product through its help.

Image– Explore your creativity by choosing the right image for your product. Images build a quick and long- lasting impact on customers so it better be goooood. And check the guidelines before using any image.

Merchant promotion– Merchant Center has the provision of merchant promotion whereby you may post offers on your products. It steams up the viewer’s urge to buy more. Discounts, free shipping and free gifts are some of the most common offers.

Google product categories– Product Categories are automatically assigned by Google through its product taxonomy. They work behind the curtain to lend more relevancy and visibility to your product. Apart from product categories, there is Product Type. Here the online advertisers have to define and fill values on their own.

Product Description– Description of product is a necessary tool. It is here that Google will search for appropriate keywords. Include only the necessary details with a limit of 160- 500 characters.

Custom labels- This one is an advanced filter through which marketers breakdown their product groups under: brand, category, product type, ID etc. Custom labels play a major role in developing shopping campaign bidding strategies. There is a limit up to 5 to create custom labels such as custom_ label_0, custom_label_1 and so on.


Now that we are discussing shopping ads campaigns it will be fruitful to know how you can use advanced strategies to create shopping ads campaigns. You can do so by following the steps enlisted below:

Sign in to your Google Ads account.

Click ‘Campaigns’ on the left hand side of the page menu.

Then click the plus button followed by clicking the New campaign.

Next step will be to choose “Campaign Type”. You have to select Shopping and then click Next.

Optimize your advertising settings like Merchant Centre Account, Bidding Strategy, Budget, Devices, Location & Network.

Save & continue.

The next big step is to create an Ad group.

Select an Ad group type amongst Product shopping ads, showcase shopping ads and local inventory ads.

Beginners may simply select the product shopping option.

Type in your Ad Group name and click Save.

Jump on to the product group tab. Here you will see the “All Products” group. It consists of all the products you have submitted through feed in your Merchant Center account and that’s the finale!


Well the formal procedure of creating ad campaigns is completed but to grow business digitally marketers can further break down their product. The ‘All Product’ group has complete information about the product. You can split it into categories, product type, ID, channel, brand etc. It will certainly develop clarity and give potential to your website.

Scan the above points and sell your product with the right strategy because an intelligent sale is a happy sale!

Looking for a Creative, Result Oriented, Data & ROI Driven Digital Marketing Agency in India Lucknow for your Brand or Business. Connect with us.

Monday 10 August 2020


Our Digital Marketing Services List Includes: Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Search Engine Marketing (SEM),Pay Per click,online reputation management and many more.

With increasing competition, the realm of the paid search has left no choice for the digital marketers rather than to boost up their strategies to stand strong in the competition. Here, is a list of top 10 paid search trends 2020 that you must know. In order to beat the competition, as a digital marketer , you must be updated on the PPC tactics and paid search trends 2020. So, with not wasting your time further lets just directly dive into the trends.


There exist no digital marketers that have not heard about the GoogleAds but only a few of them know how to exactly make use of it. Google Ads is basically Google’s PPC advertising system. It was formerly known as Adwords. It is one of the most helpful and important tools for digital marketers because it helps them to boost their online presentation by allowing all kinds of businesses to bid on specific keywords for their clickable ads to appear on Google’s search results. Also,you must stay updated Google adwords latest updates 2020 in order to make the best use of it.

In order to attain quick, highly targeted and measurable results , Pay Per Click marketing has proven to be the best. In comparison to SEO, paid search ads work even faster. Rather than using SEO to increase traffic to your website , you can go for a well optimised google ad campaign to get your brand secure the top spot in the search results rankings. Because Google paid ads work much faster than SEO.


It offers advertisers to use multiple keywords at the same time.

With the help of Google Display Networks, you can hit a broader audience and can increase your brand awareness.

Moulding the intended market to the purchase funnel.

Increasing ad visibility to a better quality,target audience.

It enhances the remarketing efforts on the basis of pages visited by the user.


1. Audience Segmentation

You can not expect one shoe size to fit in all feets. In the same way, one single strategy is not meant to work on people with different goals and aims. Based on the interests, demographic and brand interaction of the audience , Google Ads provides you the ability to target customers of different sections. Segmenting your audience is the best way you can achieve their trust and eventually it will also enhance your brand’s reputation.

2. PPC Automation

If you want to increase your brand’s online performance, you must know how to use the PPC tools in order to gain advantage. The main key is to improve your paid search strategy. You can make use of the tools for the smallest tasks that contribute to your PPC marketing efforts. Also, you can build light weight automations using ad scripts, alerts and rule engines.

3. Voice Search

According to the experts, almost 50 % of the searches on the internet were voice searches. That simply indicates that you need to optimize Google paid search content for the voice enabled queries. One thing you need to know is that voice search is more communicative and makes use of long keywords. If you target both traditional and voice search marketing then it can affect your business in a very progressive way.

4. Visual Search

Unlike the voice and text search, visual search includes search with pictures. The value of visual search can be simply known on Instagram, Pinterest and Amazon. To keep up with the pace , create a photo catalog of your services.

5. PPC & SEO Integration

If you analyze your top performing ad copy, you can simply integrate your PPC and SEO strategies. In order to boost your paid search tactics you can also make use of long tail keywords.

6. Marketing in Virtual Space

Virtual reality advertising helps users to understand and see products from different angles. This market ensures great opportunities in the search advertising market. It also helps in lifting the buyer’s journey which a creative marketer must focus on.

7. Increment of search CPCs

According to the experts, the cost-per-click will constantly keep increasing until and unless we reach a saturation point which further offers no profit. So, you must get ready to maintain your ad budget and expect more competition in the search engine results.

8. Increased social media platforms

Social media can be used as a very effective tool by digital marketers as 90 percent of the audience they wish to target is on social media. Statistics states that about 3.2 billion people use social media across the world. So, the PPC marketers must accept the multi platform trend. You should expand your research by creating ads on social media platforms like Facebool, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and many more.

9. Smart Bidding

Smart bidding makes use of machine learning to optimise user intent by saving time and improving the performance of the campaign. The paid search campaigns make use of artificial intelligence (AI) aimed towards a certain goal like increasing conversations, outranking searches and augmenting cost per acquisition (CPA).

10. Focus on Brand Affinity

With the advent in technology, the users have become way more focused and wise which is making digital marketers to focus more on Brand Affinity. There are some indicators which demonstrate brand affinity by the users. Those indicators include a chance of referring to the brand to other users, they may stick to the brand for longer terms.


Make changes in your way of acquiring new customers and targeting audience. Apply these trends into your strategies and see your business growing at a great rate. The PPC tactics that we have shared in this article can help you attain a new standard of growth in your business. Always keep yourself updated about the new changes, trends and information about the world of Digital Marketing.

Get Digital marketing services! Our company confoundingsolutions offers a wide range of different Digital marketing services(DMS), including SEO, SEM, and SMM.

The Significance of Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing is a gold mine of profit in the 21st century! Any business, company, school, hotel, etc cannot do well without online mark...