Thursday 23 July 2020


‘Cliche is the last stage of a digital marketing career.’

Following cliché takes away your business’ luster while being original makes you… I’ll say cool!

There are abundant digital marketing examples that rest on cliché but then their success ratio is also low. You see it yourself, as new concepts like permission marketing, modern marketing methodologies, and content strategy have come into vogue the actual digital marketing definition has got lost. Internet marketers are now blindly following these concepts aka stereotypes.

Hence, through this article, I intend to make you aware of the 8 digital marketing cliché that can harm your business. So let’s get started:

Our digital marketing services help your prospects discover and engage with your brand in a way that builds your business.


Best is just a hype. Even the top companies are not free of condemnation. According to digital marketing wiki, new websites use phrases like ‘we are the best’ or ‘top leading industry’. But guess what these phrases create a repulsive effect on the audience.

‘Action speaks louder than words’ and so does your performance. Rather than bragging about your brand, give quality experience to your customers and see how the brand automatically gets promoted. If available, incorporate reviews, awards, etc to show your worth.


Those copied images of cheerful, smiling workers dressed up just perfectly literary irritates viewers. I mean who remains so happy in his office?
Being in a digital marketing company means meeting deadlines; pressure to gain traffic, convert sales; tons of plans, emails; and above all managing digital marketing salary. In that scenario isn’t it morally wrong to put up fake smiling pictures on your website?

The viewers get it in a second how staged your website is. They eventually feel repulsive and the traffic level stoops down. So be authentic, put some real images even if it’s without laughing faces and shiny teeth.


Ask what is a digital marketing strategy and the answer is all about more content creation. It’s an illusion dude. Content is not the king, quality is!
It’s easy to create content frequently and come up with new posts every day. But without quality, without power, your content will not attract anyone. Watch out for this cliché and plan your content strategically.


Internet marketers often live in this illusion that social media and online platforms are one and the same.

Digital marketing examples suggest that social media and online platforms have different agendas as well as different audiences. People open websites for a different reason while social media for other purposes.
Hence, pen down your content according to the platform.


Really? Do you seriously believe that all companies are created equal? It’s not even a cliché, it’s a lack of understanding.

Similar to the platforms, companies are also not the same. Some of them may lend universal service and products but they differ in terms of versions, segments, planning, execution, and thought procedure.
Just as a buyer each industry has different needs. Tip: create buyer personas for your business development.


Sixth in the line of digital marketing cliché is the attitude that ‘I don’t need to be online’.

You know that approximately 4 billion people are online. In this scenario, neglecting online presence for the sake of your business is a blunder. This is an era of mobile apps and websites. Still, a few online marketers are not paying attention to this aspect.

Being online is mandatory as it builds awareness about your brand; elevates your business; and is beneficial for promotion. You need not connect to an influencer or start posting a multitude of posts daily. Just use online platforms, create your own content on them and publish it.


As per experts, internet marketers have this mindset that building a website and opening up social channels is enough.

A real digital marketing strategy lies in starting a website, creating content followed by a systematic plan.

Promote your website and content both with a strategic plan.


‘My brand supports lots of causes’- that is a highly prevalent notion among today’s internet marketers. People tag brands and products with a social cause. As a result, companies have this pressure to be socially responsible via their products and services.

Marketing is undoubtedly a part of CSR but it’s high time that online marketers stick to just one particular cause. It’s time you focus on your brand value.

Our Digital marketing company in Lucknow ,India offers the best digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, SMO and more.

With each brand following the same rules and guidelines, it becomes difficult to rise high. Start thinking out of the box, get unconventional, shed off these cliché and be novel.

Tuesday 21 July 2020


Digital marketing has opened up a new online platform for all sized businesses to peddle their goods and services. Within the past few years, digital marketing has left behind traditional marketing and has witnessed a massive evolution. Digital marketing became successful in fascinating different businesses from different sections and made it easy for both the consumers and the businesses to connect and interact with each other. Digital marketing has become an integral part of the customers and businesses. Thus, the importance of digital marketing is crystal clear.

Digital marketing is a very vast field and is the most suitable option for someone who is looking forward to switching careers. It does not matter if you are a newbie in the working field or have a great experience because in this field , everyone has equal opportunities. As digital marketing is emerging as the top industry , there is a high demand for professionals or freshers in the world of digital marketing. With the arrival of the digital era , it is expected that we will sooner witness a digital monopoly. Thus, a career in digital marketing is a very good option to go for because of the high demands. If you are thinking how to start a career in digital marketing, then this post is the right place for you. The industry has a lot more to offer you. Here, in this post we will reveal some great facts about career in digital marketing and will try to remove all your doubts. So, let us move to the top five factors of career in digital marketing that may amaze you.

We are leading Best SEO Company in Lucknow, We at confoundingsolutions provides you the best assistance for SEO service in 2020 at affordable cost to grow your Business.

1. It’s In demand career

Jobs in the field of digital marketing are on a rise. As most of the businesses are going online, they now require digital marketing. With the majority of businesses accepting digital marketing, the number of opportunities are limitless. According to a report, by 2020, there will be around 2 million jobs in the field of digital marketing alone in the U.K. but there are not enough digital professionals to fill in those vacancies. It simply implies that those who are studying in field of digital marketing or are thinking to do so are moving towards a career where demands exceed supply, which is always a great move. A career in digital marketing improves job security and enhances career progression.

According to a report by Marketing hiring trends, the demand for digital marketing professionals outstrips supply with 44 percent of businesses wanting to hire more employees, which is an advantage for those looking forward to make their career in this field. But before making your way into the field, it’s important to know the most in demand skills in digital marketing.

2. Diverse career options

With the advent of digitalization, companies and industries across the world be it a start-up or established corporates are seeking for digital professionals. There is a huge variety of career options in the vast field of digital marketing. As artificial intelligence becomes more mainstream, major digital companies are on the hunt for new talent specifically in the area of emerging technologies. With such a wide variety of opportunities, you must know what business is the most suitable according to your career needs.

Let us make you understand this with the help of description of the popular marketing paths.

Agency allows you to work with different clients at once, even in many different industries.
In-house working enables you to communicate only with the brand itself.
Consulting, is an on need basis requirement.

3. You can choose your field of specialisation.

At the very start of your digital marketing career, it is very important to look through all the aspects of digital marketing. After learning about the different aspects, you can then choose to specialize in one certain area in digital marketing. Thus, it is essential to first establish a strong knowledge base , you will be better prepared to choose a speciality based on your marketing strengths and weak points. Being good at this field is extremely valuable as it makes you perfect for the job in the view of a potential employer.

4. Harness your creativity

There are plenty of opportunities in the field of digital marketing for those who have creative minds and want to do their thing in writing, designing or marketing. This field offers a platform to employees to perform their experiments and creativity on a regular basis. A new creative mind is always welcomed in such a digitally dynamic workplace. As digital marketing is a constantly changing field, new methods and new strategies are always welcomed in order to attain growth. As businesses look forward to accepting creative ways to capitalize on methods that are working in business as long as those that could perform in a better way.

5. Get more Paid

In the previous sections of this post, we have explained how the demand for digital marketing professionals are exceeding. We know what happens next in the traditional economics, the value of products rises along with the cost. Take yourself as a commodity if you are working in a large industry with lack of skills. According to a survey conducted by The Creative Group Projects , there is a substantial increase for marketing professionals. Thus career in digital marketing 2020 has a lot of opportunities for you.

Confoundingsolutions is a Best SEO company in Lucknow providing complete solutions for your business promotions online. Join hands with Confoundingsolutions to beat your competitor and improve your website Sales & ROI.


Ultimately, digital marketing offers a future-proof career and companies on a global scale are looking forward for skilled employees to fill in the gaps in their organizations. So, if you have a question like ‘is digital marketing a good career option?’ , then the answer is a big YES. And all those points discussed above proves it. So, do not wait anymore and start your digital marketing career today.


A lot has been said about digital marketing, so much so, that it has now become a household term. So let us step aside and get introduced to a different version of this niche… a brand new form of internet marketing called Google Digital Marketing.

The perks of having a certification are no hidden topic. Certificate courses not only add value to one’s portfolio but also help in getting a good placement in a company. Google’s digital marketing offers the same. It renders Google certificates on completion of the course. But are these certificates worthy enough? Let us find out in the post below.


A Google digital marketing course free of cost incorporates various modules regarding different marketing strategies and digital campaigns. The aim is to enlighten you with the knowledge necessary for augmenting sales. It makes you aware of all its spheres be it Search Engines, search marketing, mobile marketing, social media, analytics, or paid advertising.

Here is what other things this course offers:

Knowledge about online platforms that aid in successful digital marketing service;

Techniques and strategies through which entrepreneurs can connect to potential customers;

Techniques to maximize organic traffic;

Knowledge about how to analyze and classify organic search and behavioral patterns of the customers;

Contemporary strategies to adapt to the frequently changing landscapes and functions of various digital platforms


Once you complete the entire course you will be awarded a Google Digital marketing certification. In order to avail this course and certification get to make sure you have done the following pre-course preparation:

Sign in to your Google account;

To take this course exam you will have to make a Google Partners Account through the following steps:

1. Visit

2. Click on– Join Google Partner

3. Furthermore, click Join Now, (at this point, it is necessary to be signed in to your Google Account)

4. Accept the terms of service

5. Select whether you want to get emails from Partners

6. Click ‘Sign up now’ followed by searching for “GOMC” in your “Search for your company to unlock additional benefits”

7. Select an affiliate with the Google Online Marketing Challenge

8. Lastly, click on Certifications from the left-hand menu followed by clicking on the ‘See Exams’ button to get started with the course’s exams


The best part of these courses is that they are available for various people such as:

–         College graduates: Graduation is that phase to pursue a Google certificate along with your studies

–         Marketing Professionals: People who are already into marketing can widen their graph of knowledge about this niche and gain its better understanding to formulate new marketing strategies.

–         Career change: Those who are not sure about their career and are in fact willing to change it can opt for Google certificate course for Digital Marketing

–         Entrepreneurs: A Google /Certification course is best recommended for new entrepreneurs. It supports them to innovate their business strategies/ plans; increase sales; increase the audience conversion rate and reach out to the target audience.


Certificates are always an add- on benefit. Since the name Google itself possesses so much value, obtaining a Google digital marketing certificate is certainly worthy. Here are some of the notable perks of a Google digital marketing certificate:

You get to stay on top of new developments in your niche. The new innovations in technology help to upgrade your skills and make you an expert of these developments;

Certificates depict to the employer that one has the practical knowledge of his subject and can fairly do well in his job;

Digital marketing has a good salary package. Also, it is one such job that does not require a degree. So if you have more certificates you have the opportunity to demand more wages.

A Google certificate sets you apart from your colleagues by depicting your extra skills and your urge for self-improvement.

Moreover, the certificate offers a legitimate proof of knowledge. It is an alternative for an educational degree. Google’s digital marketing certificate blends together education and practical knowledge in equal ratio.


Now that the worth of Digital Marketing Courses by Google has been proved, you can check out some such top courses:

Introduction to Digital Marketing- Google Digital Unlocked Course

Ad Words Fundamental Course

Search Advertising Course

Display Advertising Course

Mobile Advertising Course

Video Advertising Course

Shopping Advertising Course

Analytics Course

Tools and best practices course

Google My Business course

With or without a professional degree, one has a good scope in the arena of digital marketing via Google certificate courses. So take out some time from your busy schedule and widen your knowledge of digital marketing.

Sunday 19 July 2020


Websites are the foremost gateway to a brand. It is through web Designing that one gathers the first impression of a company.

“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.” – Paul Cookson

Since most of the businesses are getting digital now, they are hiring a digital marketing agency and using various digital marketing services for better promotion. No matter which digital marketing agency one approaches, it will suggest website development as a mandatory measure. Keeping that in mind, I will like to walk you through all the details of web designing services, starting from the definition, its types, the importance, and benefits in this blog.


In simple words, web designing meaning pertains to the development of a website that gets displayed on the internet. The process of web designing refers to planning, conceptualizing, and arranging content according to the internet.

It is a crucial digital marketing service required for the sake of the promotion of a company. With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) brands have the option to acquire software or give the task to a digital marketing agency. They will then work upon the appearance, layout, and content of the intended website.

Moreover, designing now encompasses not only websites but also web apps, mobile interfaces, and mobile apps.

One must pursue a related course and avail the benefits of a web designing course before entering this niche.


The answer to this is incomplete without discussing its importance, So here is why website designing is significant:

A website is a reflection of the concerned brand. It is the encyclopedia of a company. Therefore, it lies in the fact that it possesses the power to break or make your business. A lot depends on how the audience views your website. If taken well, they can turn into a potential customer. The importance is best realized when it results in a higher conversion rate via an impressive user interface.


There are two basic types of web designing as listed below:

Adaptive: This makes use of two or more versions of a website, customized for different screen sizes. Adaptive web designing depends upon browser width and device type.

Responsive: It is a combination of flexible grids (based on percentages) with breakpoints (using media queries) is used in order to create a custom look at every screen size.

The major difference between adaptive and responsive web designing is that the former adapts only when it hits a breakpoint, while the latter constantly changes as per the screen size.


A significant digital marketing service comes with numerous perks. Here is a list of the same:

–         Websites lay the first impression of the company. It helps the audience to judge your business and proceed accordingly.

–         It is inclusive of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The better content a website has, the better is the company’s SEO strategy, and hence a better rank on search pages.

–         Websites are loaded with a well-labeled navigation bar. The website opens a list of different pages, making it easy for users to explore and understand one’s website.

–         Moreover, a website sets the company’s logo which is equivalent to its identity. A website makes the company distinctive from its competitors.

To sum up, a website is a company’s golden chance to prosper. Design it right, make it user- friendly blended with a welcoming online environment.

Friday 17 July 2020

How to Choose a Web Design Agency? Top Tips to Become a Winner

Are you searching for a web designing agency? But, having doubts on what criteria you should be searching for your best professional for the assignment? Don’t worry. You are not the only one who is getting bothered. There are millions more who just want to ask- How to choose a web design agency? But, sadly they have carried away merely on recommendations by friends. Or got news feeds by non-professional online companies that are still to design their business. 

So, gone are the times when you really got puzzled between the web design companies. Through this interesting article, you will learn about the top factors to consider before choosing a web design company. 

Launching your business is one of the best strategies that will help your native brand to get larger exposure. But that, the main attempt gets successful while you are choosing a web designer for your business. And so, here I will discuss the criteria for selecting a web design company. 

We are the best Web Design Company in Lucknow & complete the project on time and cost effectively. We provides affordable responsive Web Design services to customers.

Tips for Choosing the Right Web Development Company

1. Chalk out what type of website you want

Before any of the web designers can ask you. I took the initiative to clear out any of the doubts related to this. Certain points that you should clarify is that- whether you want a site for eCommerce? Or it would be catering with news feeds and exchanging information. Will it be static (one-page web)? Or, dynamic that will have many inner pages (clad inside burger menu bar). What type of color tone will it have? Will it have a specific theme or not? So, these are few of the major points that need to be taken care-off before proceeding to hire a web designer for business. 

2. Check the Social Media Presence of the Agency 

This is also one of the vital factors before choosing a web design company. You need to do a reality check. Upon the web designing company that you are planning to choose. Because social media has become an important tool promotion. As well as for extending recommendations to others. So, you can surely visit the official page of the designing firm. And from there you can get the reality of the agency without twists and turns. There you can find both positive and negative reviews without any fail. 

3. Check their Previous Page Designs 

While choosing the company’s look for minor details. Make sure that you check the previous project’s designs. This will also help you to understand the designs that the firms have made-is it responsive to all digital devices or not? It is so because people nowadays use mobile devices in enormous quality. And so, the mobile data also are seen to meet the new heights of usability. So, while compiling criteria for selecting a web design company. You need to check different platforms like mobiles, desktops, and tablets. 

4. Check Internet Marketing Knowledge or Services

One should ensure the creative firm that he is keeping a check. The agency should have digital marketing services or solutions to incorporate. While designing your website. The web designing agency should follow the rules of online marketing. And thereby, keep a note that the agency should know the trends that are going around. After all, your website should have the potential to convert regular visitors into potential clients. 

5. Check the projects already done

While counting upon the ways for- How to choose a web design agency? You also need to check the already accomplished projects by the firm. For this, you can always check the company’s portfolio. That is already setup to display the efficiency of the work and firm. I think these factors to consider before choosing a web design company. You will be the turkey for your decision-making capabilities. 

6. Check their web hosting services

Before you finalize any web development company. You need to keep track of certain criteria for selecting a web designing company. And this includes certain questions like- is the company providing web hosting services. Or not if they provide hosting services. Then, the company can handle the issues and shortcomings of web development and design. In short, it will handle the web hosting of your business. So, be that lucky one. 

7. Communication 

This is a vital point that can be included in every domain. Be it any organization or business. Communication a star-performer of the complete scenario. Here, you need to keep this in mind- How are your partners expressing their ideas? Or how they will understand your point of view. If they are slow in sending a response or communicating with you then you can very well understand the type and the quality of work they are entitled to give.  

8. Check Company’s Official Website

While discussing-How to choose a web design agency? You also need to check the agency’s website (where you had already checked the portfolio of the firm). Yes, there you need to find the type of website the agency itself has. Keep a note that whether they are following rules web designing and development or not? 

9. Check their Interaction with Clients

After understanding the interaction level through social media handles. You also need to check the interactions of the agency’s clients. Through Google feedback or any other platform, you will get to know how the agencies are taking up the issues of the clients. Or are they well-reciprocating with their clients or even you. So, before investing in- call them up or meet for the type of web designing and development services they offer. 

10. Check Out the Bigger Picture 

Of course, the main goal of this will be to have a smoother online presence. And that will be better received through the best web development and designing services. But, apart from that, you also need to figure out the bigger picture of the scenario. And that is- is the agency digital marketing sound? Counting upon the leading digital marketing services like search engine optimization. Social media marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more. Because these added services will help you to keep you afloat with the other digital marketing spectrum all working for you. 

Choosing the BEST from the Others 

Do you want- advanced designing service? Or responsive design or schedule final submission? We will help you from the beginning. Confounding Solutions is the top leading IT-Organization. It provides a wide range of website designing services in Lucknow. 

Confoundingsolutions is an India's Best Web design Company in Lucknow that focuses on highly skilled and cost effective website designing services.

Starting from making a dynamic website to developing a responsive website and of course custom web designing and more. Not only that, but you can also approach for graphic designing, logo-making, or social media handling.  

So, this is a one-stop solution that will fulfill all the factors to consider before choosing a web design company. Why wait, this is for you. 

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Do you know how important is SEO for businesses?: Best 5 reasons

Stats says in 2019, 56% of global population uses internet and performs 65,286 Google searches are performed every second.

By and by, as we are pushing ourselves towards the digital scenario. Our small businesses are facing a leap and working harder to gain greater revenue return. Starting from finding an apt digital marketing agency to segregating a good expertise team for handling the seo for business and amplify the online presence.

If we talk about the stats mentioned above. These have been addressed by Linchpin seo. Here, Linchpin confirmed whether or not you have a retail or physical store. It is more important to have an online presence. In his blog- Bill Ross, CEO of Linchpin SEO said- “Most SEO techniques revolve around pleasing the Google Algorithm to achieve the higher ranking. If you run a business website, regardless of doing business online. Your ranking is important. It allows your audience to find in a brick-and-mortar building or for online services”.

Confoundingsolutions is a full-service digital marketing agency. We offer SEO, PPC, Social Media, Web Development, & more! Get a free consultation today!

So, if you are a small business which is making its way for gaining better ranking over Google page. Let me tell you what all instances you must be facing problems and need to discuss.

Instances like:

Firstly, if you are a small enterprise, you competent and fear your competitors who are still in the same position as you. There, you would compete for the local market.

Secondly, you compete against big corporations which has a larger team of experts than you and have much momentum in their business leadings than you.
Thirdly, small business also competes against the online businesses which have already been ranking over search engine page and prestigious getting their SERP results over Google.

Well, now that you know what all issues are being faced by start-up enterprises or even a large brand (sometimes), you now seriously need a well professional seo team for businesses. Starting from setting their proposal to your business to catching up with you and knowing what all you want. Implementing the best seo for business is a must in today’s competitive era.

Let’s scroll down and know the,

Reasons why any Business requires SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the best marketing mix that every business should inherit. It is simply used to nurture and increase the quantity and quality of your traffic to your website, through the help of organic search engine results.

As mentioned by Moz, the definition here is segmented in three stages which we will be describing down.

Qualitative SEO: When implementing SEO for business, the marketing team here means that it attracted relevant traffic through searches. For instance, if your business caters to iOS oriented Apple devices. But, then if you are having the traffic coming in the search of pesticides and seeding apple plants or people searching for recipes for making apple pies and tarts. Then it would not be fruitful for your business. A proper SEO system is always needed for enjoying qualitative SEO.
Quantitative SEO: By taking heed of the example mentioned above, these searches come maximum quantity then it would bring any business to your organization as it would be worthless for your brand.

Organic SEO: This is something free-of-cost. When it comes to PPC or Pay-Per-Click, it too needs a subscription for running proper ‘paid ads’. But, if your seo is done rightfully and subsequently with a plan, then it would fetch organic search which will not cost you any penny.

As a best digital marketing agency in Lucknow India, we build sustainable digital marketing assets that drive and retain visitors to your website.

How important it is for any business? 

1.   Seo builds trust and authenticity:

Being a digital marketer myself, I can surely tell you that, SEO has the capacity to structure the business on the grounds of trust and authenticity. According to Google guidelines, there are many aspects to build SEO for business. These include clear user behavior, quality backlink formation, optimizing on-page content and elements and machine learning signals.

2.   Improves better user experience:

Customers are the king of your market and they have always been. Starting from organic ranking to maximum visibility. User experience is the foremost aspect that every business likes to experience. By at times, Google also confirms that it seriously set the website ranking on the basis of customer experiences and reviews. If any organization is experiencing failure in their business front. Then the magic and the effects it has will not be able to help to rank itself to the SERP results if it does not any carry any positive remark.

3.   Provides a gateway for the online traffic that is finding your product or service:

Well, if you are running a food joint with all the international cuisine and uses home-grown fruits and vegetables, then you must be having your own related keywords. This will help your client to search you through among millions of other brands serving the same ( maybe). There should be keywords upon which you would having your liability to fetch results from.

4.   Increases sales and leads:

Yes, it is the truth and nobody can joke upon this. Seo or search engine optimization services can surely help to attain higher sales numbers and active leads when done correctly. As expressed by the professional from the industry, it is stated that $105.610 worth of SEO results are generated by businesses in just 5 months. So, invest in more and improve your revenue numbers with SEO for business.

5.   Receives 90% more click than PPC:

Being the sole-runner for functioning services like search engine giant- Google enjoys an upper hand among others. Many of the businesses happen to take full advantage of PPC or Pay Per Click services upon the targeted keywords and displaying ads on the top of the SERP. ( refer to the image mentioned above).

But, nowadays, clients like a cutting edge strategy when pitching from a business. They do not click upon the ads mentioned above and go for organic search which is listed below. It.

What next needs to be done?

SEO is your next move. If your business still finding hard to grab the sharpness of market trends. You need to be wide awake before the Google Algorithm again comes up with another set of changes and advancements.

You must check out what all SEO strategies and techniques which are being implemented by others and especially by your competitors. SEO for business is the much-needed sauce for better presentation and flavor of high revenue generation.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Why do you search for Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow?

Whether you approach for designing your website. Or digital marketing services or conversion rate optimization. You will get assured that you will get the best value for your money. It is also seen that every digital marketing company that gets discussed and approaches for the limelight is often seen focused.  It is as simple as:

So, to get better earnings you need to approach the best digital marketing agency. That can understand your aims and produce a blend of the utmost results. But, being a two-tier city, Lucknow is still growing in delivering the best of Google digital marketing services. As there are still many businesses that are yet to get the online enamel because they prefer in more footfalls than going digital. Being driven from the historic-nawabi era, one can find various digital marketing companies that offer:

Business Aims + Digital Marketing Services = Better Earnings 

Google Certified services
Brand consultancy
Lead Generation
Social Media Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Web Designing and Development
Pay Per Click Advertising

So, make the better use of digital marketing companies and be the king of your industry or market. Now, let’s get started from the very old but most basic; its definition.

What is Digital Marketing?

Before inching for the formal terminology of online marketing. Let me tell you that this has become the recent buzz word of Indian markets. Yes, before that it is said to be already in-used in other nations for rankings and getting closure to their international audience. With the advancement of internet and wireless connection systems. Digital marketing has paved a simple road map. From the product that you choose to get welcomed at your doorstep without visiting the physical store.

‘Digital Marketing is the act of promoting and selling products and services by leveraging online marketing tactics such as social media marketing, search marketing, and email marketing’.

So, one can surely say that gone are the days when word of mouth was the thought and used as the best form of marketing. With the advancement of online media, one should be competent with the growing demand for online marketing.

Because, if you lose sight from here. You are not to be found anywhere over Google.

Ultimate Services of Digital Marketing that Balances One’s Business

Yes, remember digital marketing wheels the dynamism and versatility of any business. That works according to the services of a digital marketing company. Your work or query can be any. But digital marketing services help it to get its perfect fit from the large range of professional help from the lot. Remember, not every digital marketing company chooses to follow – ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy. We at Confounding Solutions choose customized digital marketing services and a plan. It helps to streamline according to unique business needs. We offer our extended team that understands your marketing goals better. Then playing a simple digital marketing agency with its crude strategies and plans.

What are the Digital Marketing Companies Near Me?

If you are searching for a leading digital marketing agency that will help you to grow and earn (without any fake promises or hope)? Then, you can find some of the leading and certified Google digital marketing firms in the capital city of Uttar Pradesh. Despite being one of the oldest cities of the state. Lucknow houses some of the leading IT companies of the country i.e. Tata Consultancy Services and HCL.

Still, apart from budding IT cyber city (after Noida). The city also has some of the top digital marketing companies that you’ll get through search ‘digital marketing company near me’.

Confounding Solutions
Digital Jugglers
Click Retina
Sigma IT Software Pvt. Ltd
Digital Nawab
Dizi vVita
Squarit Solutions
Rankup Technologies
Sky Digital World

If you want to read what type of digital marketing services they all offer along with their contain details, you can surely Click Here

How Digital Marketing Companies Make Money?

If you are thinking that everything is up on the digital marketing sleeves, then you are mistaken. You need to work hard and stay determined that whatever knowledge and experience you are putting up, will bring laurels. While discussing digital marketing services, you need to remember that nothing is a cakewalk. But, having a concrete plan in a place and open for regular learning will help you to build a successful digital marketing company. In this portion, I will list down a few of the tested tips that we at Confounding Solutions have implemented at the time of our starting phase.

Assess and Assemble lots of experiences in social media and digital marketing that works in today’s corporate world.

Invest lots of time in e-learning and opting in for certification and courses.
Prepare a plan related to all digital marketing services that you are keen on offering.
Reach out to your extended family and contacts about your startup and what you will deliver.
Speak out to your personal network about your upcoming digital marketing agency and what it will be dealing with.

Start building up an infrastructure for your online marketing agency. This includes getting chosen the selected pick of efficient candidates for your business.
Watch out for new and advanced tools and software that can optimize your working.

Take care of the optimization, functional teams

Always be open and welcoming for the opportunities that make your digital marketing agency fantastic.

So, don’t let your dreams for a digital marketing company get fuzzy as there is a solution for everything. Starting up with something new and fresh can be challenging at the beginning. But, when you will let the ball roll, you’ll be getting potential clients for your business without any trouble.

We Are Leading Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow. Providing services like SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing, We will help you meet your business objectives. We are Top Digital Marketing Agency in Lucknow.

Monday 13 July 2020


“Sometimes big problems are best solved with lots of small and creative solutions.” - Ricardo Salinas Piego

Be it personal or professional condemnation and acclamation are parts of every sphere of life. Digital marketing is no different. Criticism of digital marketing is many and hence there is an immediate need for solutions.

confoundingsolutions is a Digital agency providing Digital Strategy, Web design, eCommerce development, Graphic designing, SEO & Social Media Management.

Internet marketing is certainly not a kid’s stuff. A small budget, struggling on social media is just to name some of the current issues in digital marketing. In this article I endeavor to list 4 common digital marketing challenges 2020 along with their easy solutions:


Emerging businesses obviously do not have a huge amount of finance. Managing all tasks in a small budget becomes complicated. Check out the solution below for this statement of problem in Digital Marketing:

1. Split your audience:

It is the task of every digital marketer to gain more out of less. With a small budget you can still grab more ROI and the secret for that is to segment your audience. Split them into different categories and advertise accordingly. Well, these segments differ from business to business but the major criterions are demographics, lifestyle, and behaviour.

2. Local investment:

Marketing strategy issues are not only a problem of beginners but also of established brands. Investing locally is a smart marketing strategy. Thus you should:

Improve your Google My Business page by adding advanced attributes and other features like Q&A, posts, chats etc;

Claim your business on business directories along with local city- specific websites;

Post more about your local community and add location tagging in your social media posts.

All of the above measures will elevate your rank on mobile search and enhance your local digital marketing metrics.

3. Target specific- social:

You cannot be present on every social platform hence choose your social landscape intelligently. Select the ones where you have an upper hand and give your best.

4. Paid advertising on social media:

Social media is a hand tool for online marketing. To gain the best out of this platform try investing a small share of your money in paid investment. Use strategic native advertising to generate more leads.

5. Influencers:

Connection with famous personalities can be your trump card. No money, no salary just a good link with the right influencer for your business can up the success ratio.


Another common problem of marketing online is clicks without any conversion. You spend money on some clicks but in return, there is hardly any conversion, hardly any sale?

The issue can be overcome through the following solutions:

1. Audience:

The prime reason behind more clicks and no conversion is often the audience itself. Marketers might be targeting the wrong audience, the audience which only likes to visit your website but has no intention to buy.

Secondly, marketers might be using the wrong channel for marketing. For instance people who mostly stay at home should be approached with Notify and Pinterest rather than LinkedIn.

2. Landing pages:

Ineffective landing pages also cause low sales. An unattractive, irrelevant landing page can avert highly interested audiences.

Keep your landing page simple, captivating, extremely helpful or should I say informative and decent.

3. Messaging:

Messaging is not an issue, it is the solution to increase conversion rate. Match your landing page to offers, messaging and style of the original content. Thus, the landing page and content must run parallel.

As a marketer, you are bound to cater to the needs of customers. There is no other option because the customer is your king!


Amongst other challenges of online marketing the SEO competition is taking a toll. There are hundreds and thousands of competitors in your industry who want to be on Google’s front page. To beat such competitors try these hacks:

1. Smart SEO:

To commence with, your SEO strategy has to be different. Compete for long phrases rather than short ones. Short- tail keywords do increase clicks but they don’t make sales. Long- tail keywords, on the other hand, offer more sales and less competition for first- page spots.

2. Smart Ranking:

Just like SEO you need to rank differently. Try some other spot. For instance aim for the first spot on Google- owned YouTube rather than Google. Here’s a fact check: YouTube has 1 billion visitors and 6 billion hours of content watched per month. Thus, video marketing for your business promotion is a better option.

3. Customer Experience:

Good customer experience is the breath and soul of successful digital marketing. Content, style, sales, etc combine to provide smooth user experience. Good customer experience makes Google algorithms note your efforts and eventually offer you a high rank.


Unrewarding social media marketing is yet another problem of marketing. Digital marketers use social media but with a wrong approach. Here is the correct social media marketing methodology:

1. Frequency:

Recall the last time you posted something on social media regarding your business. Well, the frequency of posts can make a lot of difference. Once in a month is not an option, post daily especially on Facebook and LinkedIn. Twitter and Snapchat should have a higher frequency of postings.

2. Offer:

Positive reinforcement is healthy for online marketing. So try to incorporate something interesting in your posts, it may be a cool GIF or recent statistics.

3. Be social:

Be personally social, that is, expand your social circle. Connect with more people in real life for the sake of your business. Tweet, re- tweet, respond to customer reviews, participate in LinkedIn discussions, reply to comments on Facebook and just connect more with shoppers on social media.

4. Happy Customers:

In addition to making your customers happy try to connect with joyful, happy customers. Confused?

We are a full service digital agency in lucknow,India providing creative and customised online solutions including website, SEO, SEM and Social Media.

Look, you can make a good use of social media by building word of mouth digitally. Recruit satisfied customers, capitalize on refreshed social media and motivate them to give positive reviews.

Finally! Call it crafty, call it clever but these are the most intelligent solutions for today’s digital marketing problems. If you are new in the profession of internet marketing then make use of the above points.

Friday 10 July 2020


Digital marketing is simply a way of advertising and marketing by means of electronic media. The world of digital marketing is changing every moment with a fast speed towards betterment and progress. Digital marketing involves a lot of strategies and tactics. The methods that are involved keep changing on a regular basis. That is becauses as new techniques are introduced, the world of digital marketing accepts it and keeps getting updated. To use digital marketing for your benefit, you must keep yourself updated with all the latest trends and technologies. This is the reason behind the significant growth of digital marketing over the past few years. With most of the companies and businesses going online, the scope of digital marketing has expanded. Digital marketing is becoming the most preferred way of marketing and has left behind traditional marketing.

So, if you are new to the field of digital marketing , you must know the basic fundamentals and important elements of digital marketing. In this post, we have created a list of fundamentals of digital marketing answers that you must know before diving into the field. These fundamentals are explained below.

If you find the SEO Company In Lucknow .We will work on all aspects of SEO for your website, from fixing technical SEO to optimizing your On-Page SEO elements.


The scope of social media platforms can be of great use when it comes to the point of advertising your product or making people aware of your brand or services. Social media platforms enable a business to reach an audience across the globe. You can share information, videos and images about your brand or services on social media.

But, the impact of a video is far more effective than that of an image or some written content. It quickly catches the attention of the audience. You must create a good online representation of your brand on leading social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Research says that 80 percent of the people on social media prefer watching videos rather than reading articles or blogs.


Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two very crucial parts of digital marketing that you must pay attention to. Both of them are two separate entities but eventually complement each other. The tools of Artificial intelligence helps streamline processes and make businesses more effective and efficient. Research says that 97 % of leaders believe that the future of digital marketing relies on the coordination of digital marketers and machine learning based tools.


Mobile technology is the latest innovation yet the most preferred and used by the public in the present scenario. It is one of the most important and effective tools for digital marketing , as well. As most of the users make use of smartphones and androids, a mobile responsive website can help your business grow faster. The top mobile apps that can be useful for digital marketers are HootSuite for managing social media, Flipboard for inspiration and Google App for all other work related needs.


Your digital marketing strategy must include mobile technology as well. According to the latest Google Algorithm, if your website is not optimised for mobile devices , Google may charge you a penalty.

Nowadays, mobile phones are the most used and preferred devices on the globe. Also with the upcoming years, mobile video consumption will increase by more than 30 %.


Voice search has gone up exponentially over the past few decades , so it is very important for your digital marketing strategy to understand these developments and make use of it. Research revealed that 40 % of adults depend on voice search everyday. There are many voice search strategies that your business can make use of for the improvement of your voice search readlines.

With the excess usage of voice search, it is very necessary to keep up with the stats so that you get yourself prepared and ready for how these advancement will affect the industry.


The best way to build your business is interaction with the customers. Customer feedback is a great way to make your brand popular or grow your services as it gives you an opportunity to know what customers think about your services and it helps you to overcome the shortcomings as well.

The procedure of winning new customers and retaining the old ones is becoming harder because of the competition in the market. But by interacting with your audience with the help of emails, surveys and ratings you can know about your strengths and weak points.


Content marketing helps a business to improve its conversion because it enables you to connect with your customers and increase your leads. To make an educated purchasing decision , you need to provide customers the relevant information about your brand. The information you provide is a part of content marketing. Today, content marketing is the most effective tool. Content marketing has come a long way and has seen a massive technological evolution.

Fundamentals of digital marketing google answers also include content marketing , SEO, social media marketing and email marketing. To attain more visitor participation, the content you deliver on your website must be high quality, original and engaging. If your content is engaging , visitors will spend more time on your website and it will increase lead conversions.


To drive traffic towards your website , PPC , which is a model of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee every time when their ad is seen, and is the best way to get your adverts showing for the public who are searching for your products and services. PPC campaigns are set on the basis of keywords. Thus, it is very essential to do some keyword research on what keywords best describes your product and services, which may require some testing with your PPC campaigns.


To summarize, the marketing world is ever-changing and you need to keep yourself updated with the latest trends and tactics , and keep making changes in your marketing strategy. The above fundamentals are of great importance, while crafting your marketing strategy, you must keep them in your mind.

No.1 SEO Company in Lucknow - Our best and well-planned SEO services are means to reach top ranking in major search engines. 

Tuesday 7 July 2020


Humans tend to lodge perfect pictures in their big brains but you know what they say ‘nothing in this world is perfect’.

Digital Marketing for everyone is all stars from far. Only when you commence your own digital journey you get to see those stars differently. This profession is capricious, it changes every alternate day.

To contemplate on the real working of internet marketing, let’s give a pause to strategies, trends etc today. Don your lens and discover expectations cum reality of Digital Marketing with me:


Often misunderstood concept is that to drive better results in digital marketing one needs to make his website more visible. Really? Are you going to buy a 50lac flat just because it is more advertised, more visible on every website and billboard?

I expect a ‘no’. We buy as per our requirements not as per visibility of the products.

That’s right making your product more visible is not the trick to gain profit. Marketers need to drive appropriate traffic and convert them into customers. Also, to keep the consumers bonded with your website provide them with an unmatchable user experience.


Overestimation and underestimation, both are evils of the human mind. Digital marketing is not simply reserved for the posh, well- established companies. Digital marketing is for everyone. It works equally well for every start-up.

21st Century is online driven. You cannot run a business just offline. The first thing a viewer who is interested in your product does is to search it online. Hence online presence is mandatory these days and Digital Marketing shows the right way to do so.


Amongst the rich lot of Digital Marketing tools, most advertisers stick to creating unique social content. Correct it dear.

Not unique social media content but a high- quality social media content is the key to success of your business online.

Be it an image, video, audio or blog post, make it rich and innovative. Just creating something unique doesn’t work. You must draw more attention towards that post. Hence better the user- engagement, better the response and better the business.


Oh no no, my friend you are wrong here. If you think coming up with new marketing ideas is easy you are mistaken. It is as difficult as pronouncing ‘Vivekananda’ for an American.

Internet marketers have to think out of the box for a compelling digital marketing campaign. But it demands time. You have to try, analyse and experiment the market. Often beginners take help of professional Digital Marketing companies to understand the market better.

Yes, yes Digital Marketing is provides a broader platform to give more exposure to your product. Online, you can attract lots of viewers and engage them. But this exposure in no way guarantees a high conversion rate.

That is the reason why people often rely on digital marketing agencies to guide them about right strategies.


With an appropriate digital marketing is strategy your company may gain profits but more dollars… nah. No doubt, you can earn more money with digital marketing but only if you apply smart digital marketing strategies.
Apply the right techniques at the right place.


Yeah, maybe, somewhere…

I won’t deny the fact that paid ads amplify the traffic but to a great extent, well that’s not guaranteed. Paid ads only help the users to get more access but it’s in your and only your hand to improve content quality. Paid ads will show your product to the viewer. Now the viewer will only click on the ad if it is attractive. Digital marketers must sort it out themselves how to make the ad captivating.

Quite a tip I hope. Well then if you are planning to enter into the field of Digital marketing is, study its reality, study the above steps and proceed with a realistic approach.

Monday 6 July 2020


Digital marketing is no more a new concept in the world of digitalisation. With most of the businesses going for digital marketing, the impact of digital marketing is undeniable. As the internet becomes incredibly accessible, the number of people going online is still on a rise. Marketing has always meant to fulfill needs of the audience at the right place and right time. And today the right place is nothing but the Internet. The best way to meet the audience is at the point where they are most available. And the audience is spending most of their time online, so it's better to get your business online, to reach your potential customers. In this post, we will discuss the complete journey of a digital marketer. From the very beginning as an In-house SEO to a remote Business owner, the journey is a long way.

We have a team of expert digital marketers to help you with A to Z of online marketing. We offer a complete range of digital marketing services to our customer at very reasonable price.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is one of the most important elements of digital marketing. Through SEO, you can get exposure to your brand , by means of organic results. Also, SEO is a major tool that helps in increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic. SEO is more about people, and less about search engines. The world of SEO mainly comprises a set of techniques whose main focus is on increasing visibility of your website. Learning about SEO is of huge importance, if you are a digital marketer.

So, it is very important to make sure that your website is search engine friendly. This can be done by making sure that your websites have navigable links. Your content must be original, high-quality and readable. Because content also increases engagement on your website.

SEO is all about ranking. But it is very important to understand that rankings do not create sales. But once your website starts getting rankings you will notice a certain increase in the number of visitors on your website. But the most important part of all this process is to gain conversions. SEO should not only focus on increasing website traffic but also on increasing your conversion counts and percentages.

In the next section of this post, we will discuss all the steps which are involved in the journey of digital nomad



This step may sound very obvious to you but actually it is not. According to a B2B marketing report, 67 % of marketers consider increasing leads as their top priority while the rest 35 % focus on converting leads into customers. As a digital marketer, you must be clear with your goals. It is very essential to set a realistic goal besides focusing on your target customer and which market plan to penetrate. You must evaluate your resources and create a proper strategy that must reveal the requirements to achieve the desired results.


One of the most important requirements for your marketing campaign to get successful is to have a completely tailored portfolio. The portfolio must focus on the clients in your target ideal audience.

A portfolio which is filled with full examples of your services can appeal to your target audience to go for your brand.


In order to create a sustainable business plan, a business model is an essential requirement.  Because it can help you in communicating key features of business to the partners which are inside the company. But it is important to make sure that your business model has the ability to achieve the revenue goals that you are targeting. One of the most effective and smartest ways to stand out in the competition by doing what others are not doing in your industry. So, to be different you must build a magnetic business model which can attract an audience. Your brand must offer unique services that your customers can only get from you, only.


There is a huge emergence of new channels in the digital landscape. Social media platforms are proving to be more effective than ever. Thus, it is very essential to get-in depth and understand all the digital channels and platforms. This is the point where you need to observe customer behavior , how they navigate the web and the platforms that they frequently visit. If you once understand these behaviors, you will get a proper insight on the buying intent, purchasing patterns and what type of messaging will work. So, if you wish to be a successful digital marketer , you must take a more integrated and strategic approach.


The best opportunities in digital marketing can come to you by means of online and in-person networking. Participation in webinars, submit guest posts, pop into facebook and attending networking events can lead you to your next client. Being online is easy but being vocal, responsive and providing value can enhance your customer relationship and increase your brand’s reach.


Digital marketing company in Lucknow, India offers best digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, SMO, ORM, design/development.

Digital marketing has a lot of opportunities for those who have the will to start. If you are new in the field of SEO, there are several SEO agencies which can provide you the best SEO services. Being a digital marketer is highly profitable and it is your time to begin.

Friday 3 July 2020


We are leading Best SEO Company in Lucknow, We at confoundingsolutions provides you the best assistance for SEO service at affordable cost to grow your Business.

The question of the day is how to get traffic for your website?

There are millions of people around the globe who seek informative content which in turn is your trump card to increase website traffic fast. Recently HubSpot surveyed that 80% of website traffic commences with… with… with… with search query!

Simple yet unknown- Search query is the web to attract traffic. Hence Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial. Follow essential SEO techniques to drive traffic such as stay updated with Google’s changing algorithm, keep with your research and continue experimentation.

confoundingsolutions is a best seo company in Lucknow offering guaranteed traffic, sales & leads from Seo (search engine optimization). 

Here are some surprising stats: every day nearly 3.5 billion searches are conducted on Google;

78% of people in the U.S alone search for products on the web before purchasing;

75% of users don’t bother to check beyond the first page while searching on the web;

Leads that come from a search have a 14.6% close rate as compared to 1.7% from elsewhere (print or direct mail advertising).

Now that the worth of SEO is crystal clear, it’s time to unleash latest SEO techniques 2020 so check the list below:


Audit refers to a structured analysis of any event, financial matter or results to know your high and lows. It helps you understand your faults.

To drive massive traffic to your website it’s recommended to conduct an SEO audit whereby you examine your site performance, rectify your faults and lay down a strategic plan.

There are companies that drive traffic to your website by carrying out an SEO audit on your behalf. However, it’s better if you take the SEO auditing task in your hand.

Before your SEO audit check that:

Your website pages have SEO meta titles and description
Each page is optimized for SEO keywords
Your website URL is optimized for Search Engine
Each page cum blog is properly formatted
All the images have keywords in their ALT tag
You are using links in your content
You optimize heading tags to get more traffic
You incorporate metatags in your headings as it invites more traffic.
Secret Tip: For a great SEO audit try Quick Sprout.


Think of yourself as a big data compny, say, for instance, Google. Search, learn and provide what your users want because that is the most advanced SEO technique 2020.

Feedback from customers, therefore, carries any, say, for instance, Google. Search, learn and provide what your users want because that is the most advanced SEO technique 2020.

Feedback from customers, therefore, carries so much value. It helps you create content that attracts more viewers. ‘Customer is the King’ is true in the sense that it is he who decides which article, product or concept gets funded.

Buzzsumo, Google Analytics, UberSuggest, and Quora are some handy platforms to know what your audience wants. However, comments on your post beat them all. Reading comments is the easiest way to understand your audience’s needs.


With all their sweat and blood, internet marketers wish to convert their leads into customers. Amongst the latest SEO techniques, 2020 is SEO optimized landing pages.

Through a landing page, marketers can strengthen their relationship with audiences. Copyblogger is a good example. It creates a high-quality landing page and then invites traffic via SEO optimization, press release and email marketing. Basecamp and are other notable examples.

A good landing page has:

Call to action;
Informative- relevant content;
Long-tail keywords;
Attractive design;
No navigation; and

Links: Note that link building is insurmountable. It can up your rank like nothing else!

You may try Optimizepress to create a landing page.


Just like cake and knife; summer and lemonade; pizza and cheese, mobile and website go hand in hand.

A mobile-friendly website is a central element of digital marketing. It increases website traffic fast. 60% of daily searches are done via mobile phones. Business Insider speculates that 45% of all U.S e-commerce sales will be completed on mobile by 2020.

Moral of the story: Make your website available on mobile phones.

You may use Responsive Web Design (RWP). It is an approach to create web design in response to a mobile screen or web browser.

The mobile testing tool is another way to make sure that all your website boxes show up on mobile.


Heard of infographics many times? Hear it once more because infographics are a super cool SEO technique to drive traffic.

65% of people prefer visual information. With infographics, you showcase complex information in an easy- attractive way. You will be amazed to know that infographics amplify website traffic by 193%.

Visual data has a much higher retaining capacity in the human mind as compared to plain text. For a successful infographic:

Jot down your topic and essential info;
Create infographic through, Canva and Venngage;
Write a blog that incorporates your infographic;
Publish it


Since it’s all over the news that internet marketers must adapt to changing Google algorithm hence I want to tell you Google’s one of the most important ranking factors: RankBrain.

It is an artificial intelligence system that examines search results. RankBrain first understands the page content followed by keywords that people search for and finally connects it to relevant results.

As per RankBrain, the important points to note are:

Don’t stuff your keywords;
Use your natural tone to write;
Don’t over-optimize for unnecessary keywords that can get you penalized.
Try MarketingLand to optimize your content for the main keywords as well as related synonyms.


As per Backlinko, the average first-page results have 1,890 words. To drive massive traffic to your website understand the relation between SEO ranking and content word limit.

Long content usually has more keywords but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to create such relevant content. Hence the conclusion: Content length doesn’t necessarily up your traffic, a high-quality blog post does.

Whether the content turns out to be lengthy or short, try to cover every part of a topic that matters to the audience.


All right people so ninth SEO technique to drive traffic is a roundup post. In simple words, a roundup post is a write- up on interviews you conduct with few people about the same topic or a list of ‘best’/ ‘top’ of something.

The perks of roundup posts lie in the notion that: it helps you get different viewpoints; learn new things and grow your SEO ranking.

To generate a traffic-driving roundup post follow these steps:

Select a topic and the questions you want to ask;
Pen down a list of experts and contact them;
Note their responses, write a post on it and just publish it


Social media may be filled with a lot of garbage but you as an internet marketer have to create valuable content on social media.

It brings immense traffic and credibility especially if your blog is new. Page authority and domain authority can be used to dig in more about search results. 

Not to forget, every social media platform differs in authority and traffic building. Slideshare, Quora, and blogger lend you a chance to improve your search rankings.

Online marketers may take the help of Slideshare to boost their search traffic.


Quite a lengthy heading! Let me make it short- deep linking.

Use deep linking- a practice to link your anchor text to other pages inside your blog for the sake of more traffic. It’s easy to get visitors to your homepage but ranking your internal pages high is difficult. Thus it’s suggested that link your older blog posts to your landing page.

Note: Before linking check how many inbound links go to your website page; and avoid over-optimization of your anchor page.

Furthermore, deep linking also lowers the bounce rate.


Link juice- one of the latest SEO techniques 2020!

Link juice is the outbound link from a high authority source to your content. As your content receives links from high authority source it automatically raises your reputation and Google gives consideration to your blog.

From pages 2 and 3 you can move to the 1st page by sending link juice to the lower-ranked website thus elevating your content value.


In addition to passing your link juice to lower-ranked websites try getting links from the higher authority domain. Why? Well, the reason is the same: impress Google. This procedure shall elevate your overall trustworthiness in the eyes of Google.

Alltop helps in finding good sites for linking purposes.


In order to generate high authority backlinks to your content grab the broken link opportunities on Wikipedia.

You see, Wikipedia has two kinds of links:

Citation needed
Dead link
If your post is credible enough you can get these valuable links from Wikipedia. You can use WikiGrabber or Google to find these links. Although Wikipedia has no strong followers count nowadays, yet its domain authority and trust level from Google is very high.


Take any profession there is neck to neck competition everywhere. But real smartness lies in getting the best out of this competition.

In digital marketing, you can be that intelligent by searching your competitors and spying on the keywords they use. Incorporate those keywords to create much better content. Our favorite, Starbucks is the prime example of this game.

Use Spyfu and to ease this process.


Now that is something we are all familiar with but do we use it right?

To get traffic for your website and loot attention from your competitors search keywords ideas in their Google AdWord search Ads.

Google Ad Words are excellent because they are short and already optimized. Hence use such Ad Words to rank high organically via a quality article.


Keywords are usually associated with blog posts. However, keywords are an integral part of the SEO page title as well. The SEO page title is the one that appears on Google during a web search.

Now to increase website traffic fast try to incorporate multiple keywords within each page title. Make sure all your posts contain a keyword.


Another crucial SEO technique is to increase website traffic software. Google Search Console is one such handy tool.

It is helpful to track potential issues with your site that affect your rankings. Moreover, Google Search Console lets you know what Google indexing spider has observed. Hence, optimize, optimize, optimize… just optimize your content!


Polish your old content with new information to add life to it. Yes, regularly updating your content is a road that can lead you to large traffic. Leverage the old post which is already getting organic traffic with higher search ranking.

Here are a few hacks for the same:

Craft a sharable headline;
Add customer testimonials/ useful mentions;
Renew old data and images;


In addition to updating the old post which is performing well, also update the lowest-performing content. If your content topic is good enough then there is no risk in rejuvenating it because the audience constantly seeks information.

Hence refurbish your underperforming articles. Indeed it is a beneficial advanced SEO technique 2020.

To wrap up this long- drawn out article I would say that blogs dominate your sale.

Are you looking for the top SEO services from the best SEO company in Lucknow? Visit confoundingsolutions to get cheap SEO packages from experts.

It is the 5th most trusted source of information. When 84% of people read a blog about before purchasing a product then it’s understood that marketers have to perform well in this field. So grab the above mentioned golden SEO tactics to move up the scale. 

The Significance of Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing is a gold mine of profit in the 21st century! Any business, company, school, hotel, etc cannot do well without online mark...